Our Farm Mother



Samantha "Foxx" Winship is our farm mother, queen and visionary of illuminating light. She is a accomplished Artist, Beekeeper, Farmer, Preservationist and Philanthropist. A Native of North Carolina and the daughter of Indigenous People. Her education and experience has lead her innovative path on a journey as one the leading healing forces of Holistic Remedies, Homesteading, Educator, Farming and Beekeeping. Servicing the community with authentic love and support for the healing and growth of her family, friends and village.

With strong loving arms she embrace the challenges of life; standing for the education, empowerment and the promotion of women and people of color in  beekeeping, agriculture and the arts innovation. Samantha Foxx is a shining example of Determination, Will Power and Innovation. Through her life's work to Save the Bees, provide Safe Healthy Food and Formulate Top Quality Holistic Products. As a loving Mother, Wife, Friend and Community Supporter she aims to continue her education, experience and life's work to truly make our lives better.